Our Products
Feature Plants

Acer Palmatum Japanese Maple
A beautiful and very popular flowering plant which can add a splash of spectacular colour and intrigue to your garden. They can vary in height but are usually a smaller tree with a smooth trunk and varied forms of foliage that can either weep, sit upright or cascade depending on the one you choose. The leaves have five to nine palmate lobes and can come in green or red. The colour will change in Autumn to brilliant shades of either red, orange, yellow or purple depending on the variety.

Bromeliads Silver Plum
A stunning plant that has silvery green foliage with tints of red that develop with exposure to the sun. Keep the centre of the plant watered and the plant does the rest. Gorgeous mass planted or as a single feature in a pot.

Cordyline Electric Pink
A pink foliage plant that is used in landscaping for a burst of colour and its structural shape. The foliage branches out in strands from the centre of the plant.

Cordyline Rubra


Grass Trees
An iconic native with an unusual trunk which is furnished by a head of grass that sprouts from the top. The Grass tree can form a unique and spectacular feature in the garden. Each grasstree can have its own distinct character and look terrific either as an individual feature plant or mass planted. They are very slow growing and a definite focal point in any garden. A valued Australian specimen all plants are sold with tags.

Cascade Palms

Kentia Palms

Raphis Palms
Raphis Excelsa are a popular and attractive addition to your space and are considered to be a palm in a class of their own. They have a vibrant green fan like foliage, they grow best in light to heavy shade and make a stunning feature in a pot indoors. They can also make a great screening plant and can grow to approx. 4m in height. They are slow growing, and can handle some sun usually only light morning sun. They require moderate watering, and pruning of any dead leaves when needed. They will benefit from a good fertiliser to promote strong growth.
Cacti and Succulents

Magnolia Teddy Bears
Citrus and Fruit Trees Pots and Bags
Lemons, Limes Kaffir and Tahitian, Oranges, Mandarins & Cumquats

Avocados Grafted

Avocado Trees are a much sought after option in today’s garden, not only as an attractive plant but as a fruit tree recognised for the nutritional value and health benefits of its produce. There are different varieties and some are more conducive to the home garden given the size that they can grow and the climate. It can take up to 3 or 4 years for a planted tree to bear fruit. Drainage of the soil or potting mix is of upmost importance and an organic fertiliser will be a great benefit too.

Feijoa Hawaiian Guava

Mango Kensington Pride

Figs have become more popular around the world over time as European influence and cuisine has grown and the many uses of this exotic fruit have come to light. They can be eaten fresh, in salads, desserts, Jams and even with savoury. They can be grown in small spaces, and do well in areas where summer is dry and little or no frost in cooler months. They like full sun, protected from winds and can be grown in a pot with good quality potting mix. In ground they like a nourished well draining soil. They need to be well watered in warmer months and benefit from some slow release fertiliser in spring. Once established they can handle frost. Figs ripen in late summer, and are best left to ripen on the tree. Unfortunately birds like them too, so you may need to throw a net over the top to keep them at bay.